Opportunities for 4 season outdoor recreation are plentiful in North Hudson.
Fishing, hunting, trapping, hiking, canoeing, cycling, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, horseback riding and more, are among the many pursuits you can choose from. We are close to Whiteface and Gore Mountain. if you are a down-hill skier.
There are tens of thousands of acres of NYS Forest Preserve lands in and around North Hudson, which can provide a lifetime of outdoor adventure for all ages and abilities. One of the more popular areas is Hammond Pond Wild Forest...learn more at http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/109807.html.
Reservations Now Available for Frontier Town Campground
Camping and Paddling in Vanderwhacker Wild Forest—www.schroonlakeregion.com
For more information on snowmobiling visit: